January 2023 SNB

Volume LIV, Number 9

Topics include:
β€’ Our Father Who Art in Heaven
β€’ Spiritual Israelites - Not Jews or Chr-stians
β€’ Prophetic Trends: The Great Tribulation

May 2013

Volume XLV, Number 2

Topics include:
β€’ A World Without the True Mighty One
β€’ Our Gift to the Worldβ€”Knowledge of the Word of Life
β€’ The Savior’s Name Manifested
β€’ Prophetic Trends: Hands That Shed Innocent Blood!
β€’ Radio Message: The Sealed Book

September 2019 SNB

Volume LI, Number 6

Topics include:
β€’ What is the Name of the Heavenly Father?
β€’ What is the Messiah's Name?
β€’ Growth in the Face of Opposition
β€’ Expanding Outreach
β€’ Questions to Bethel

Bible Reading

Join us in the reading of the Sacred Scriptures, Bethel Edition via Google Drive Download! The Bethel Edition features include: Restoration of the Sacred Name and the sacred titles to the English text of the Old Testament, as well as returning the Name of Yahshua the Messiah, our Redeemer, to the text of the New […]


August 2018 SNB

Volume L, Number 5

Topics include:
β€’ EliYah-Forerunner of Messiah
β€’ Radio Message: EliYah is Here!
β€’ Yahweh Makes a Division
β€’ Program Log

August 2020 SNB

Volume LII, Number 5

Topics include:
β€’ Knowing, Using, and Believing the Sacred Name
β€’ Radio Message: An Era of Lasting Peace
β€’ Prophetic Trends: Prophecies Fulfilled
β€’ Radio Message: A Way of Life
β€’ Program Log

April 2023 SNB

Volume LV, Number 1

Topics include:
β€’ Respecting the Word of Yahweh
β€’ The Law Before Sinai, Part 1
β€’ Radio Message: Psalm 119

June 2015 SNB

Volume XLVII, Number 3

Topics include:
β€’ The Second Commandment: Idolatry
β€’ Misconceptions About Giving
β€’ Prophetic Trends: Believing A Lie
β€’ Radio Message: Our Heavenly Father’s Name
β€’ Program Log

June 2013

Volume XLV, Number 3

Topics include:
β€’ Our Outreach Through the Printed Page
β€’ The Deterioration of the World’s Society
β€’ Prophetic Trends: The Day of Yahweh Is at Hand!
β€’ Radio Message: The Prophecy of Malachi

April 2019 SNB

Volume LI, Number 1

Topics include:
β€’ Satan's Evil Winds
β€’ Radio Message: The Law for Our Time
β€’ Radio Message: The Durable Law
β€’ Program Log

March 2023 SNB

Topics include:
β€’ What is Sin?
β€’ The Bible on Sin?
β€’ Prophetic Trends: Sowing the Wind-Reaping the Whirlwind
β€’ Radio Message: Obedience
β€’ Radio Message: What is Salvation?

July 2013

Volume XLV, Number 4

Topics include:
β€’ Graduation Caps and Gowns
β€’ Exodus 6:3
β€’ Prophetic Trends: Take Heed, Watch, and Pray!
β€’ Total Dedication
β€’ Radio Message: The Modern Philadelphia Assembly

February 2024 SNB French

Les sujets incluent:
β€’ Le Sang de l'Alliance, Partie 2
β€’ Recettes pour les Jours des Pains Sans Levain
β€’ Guide des Programmes de TΓ©lΓ©vision et de Radio

July 2019 SNB

Volume LI, Number 4

Topics include:
β€’ History of the Assemblies of Yahweh Organization
β€’ Why Are We Called the Assemblies of Yahweh?
β€’ Pictorial Commemoration 50 Years of Service
β€’ Testifying to the Name Yahweh: Seven Thousand Witnesses, Seven Ancient Witnesses

February 2016 SNB

Volume XLVII, Number 11

Topics include:
β€’ WMLK: The International Shortwave Radio Voice of the Assemblies of Yahweh
β€’ The Breastplate of Judgment and Righteousness - Part Three
β€’ Recipes for the Days of Unleavened Bread
β€’ Program Log

March 2013

Volume XLIV, Number 12

Topics include:
β€’ From Calvary to Glory, Part 2
β€’ Complacency
β€’ Radio Message: A Lone Voice
β€’ Radio Message: Calling Upon His Name
β€’ Radio Message: The Everlasting Good News
β€’ Recipes to Enjoy for the Days of Unleavened Bread