Obadiah School of the Bible


It was in 1974 that Obadiah School of the Bible came into existence. During the 1973 Feast of Tabernacles, Elder Jacob O. Meyer (OBM) presented the proposal for the Assemblies of Yahweh to inaugurate an educational institution to teach the Bible (and related subjects) to adults (functioning similar to a seminary). As the announcement was made that an educational institution for adults would be opened, several people attending that convocation indicated that they would like to attend. Obadiah School of the Bible was envisioned at the very beginning of this ministry and mentioned in the original Statement of Doctrine published by the Assemblies of Yahweh. We commented the following when we authored that document: “Ministers of the Assemblies of Yahweh... These men will then be required to attend a Bible training school at headquarters....”

It has been the firm conviction of Elder Jacob O. Meyer (OBM) that education is directly related to spiritual development and doctrinal stability. Those sincere people, who profess unscriptural doctrines, can, many times, be observed as not having studied deeply enough into the sacred Scriptures to understand the sound doctrines set forth in the Word of Yahweh. Some people would ask the question, “Why make the effort to open yet another educational institution when there are many Bible colleges and seminaries available?” The answer, of course, is that the Assemblies of Yahweh doctrines are based upon a unique Bible interpretation method and that is to harmonize the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and to clarify difficult doctrinal problems by appealing to the original texts as closely as we can return to the autographs. Other educational institutions do not follow this practice, but merely continue to espouse their determination to prooftext the doctrines common in ch-rchianity to maintain the status quo. The need for a thorough education in the biblical text was quite clearly brought to the attention of Elder Jacob O. Meyer (OBM) as he began his journey through the maze of worldly religion in his quest for Bible Truth. Concentrating upon biblical languages and comparing the English translation of the sacred Scripture, he sought to establish a solid foundation in the original Word of Yahweh.

The first classes were begun around February 1, 1974. Since then, Obadiah School of the Bible has educated and graduated several score of students. The classroom setting of Obadiah School of the Bible is in the annex portion of the original building here in the Assemblies of Yahweh Home Office complex. Classes are scheduled for the evening hours so that the students can hold jobs to support themselves. No tuition is ever charged.

Elder Jacob O. Meyer (OBM) taught four classes each semester in Obadiah School of the Bible, almost from its very inception. He has never received any remuneration for teaching, which means that he has contributed virtually a million dollars in wages that he could have earned elsewhere in another educational institution. The teaching elders who instruct classes in Obadiah School of the Bible have graduated from this institution, and, likewise, contribute their teaching efforts without any compensation. All we ask is that sincere individuals put the knowledge we dispense into good use, dedicated to the progress of the Assemblies of Yahweh organization.


At the beginning of this venture, the Assemblies of Yahweh believed that Obadiah School of the Bible would grow substantially. We had great plans for this institution. Perhaps a benefactor would come along and sponsor an educational building. However, up to this point, the Assemblies of Yahweh organization has entirely funded Obadiah School of the Bible (with the exception of the course registration fee), but Obadiah School of the Bible continues to grow. Although not extremely large, the Assemblies of Yahweh library is one of the most outstanding libraries for its size. As college and seminary professors who have visited Bethel have remarked, this library is one of the most outstanding anywhere for a small organization. The library content is concentrated upon biblical and historical volumes. At the present time, there are over 10,000 books in the Obadiah library, and this is sufficient to keep the students of this institution quite busy reading for a good while.

Liberal Arts

For a number of years, Elder Jacob O. Meyer (OBM) has been concerned about the liberalization of public education. It seems as though when we sent some young people to worldly institutions of higher learning, they would drift away from the Assemblies of Yahweh. Therefore, the decision was made periodically to offer various courses in secular subjects in addition to our biblical studies program so that we could give young people some experience in a liberal-arts type of education.

All these courses are offered at the nominal cost described above. Our primary concentration, however, remains on teaching the Bible and related subjects. If you are a young adult who is concerned about obtaining a good, fundamental education in a spiritual environment, apart from the skepticism that saturates this worldly educational system, we invite your inquiries concerning your enrolling in Obadiah School of the Bible. Why not visit our campus and consult with one of the instructors? We believe that you will be pleasantly impressed with the prospects of an education in Obadiah School of the Bible and Institute of Higher Learning.


Obadiah School of the Bible is taught by the Elders and Deacons of the Assemblies of Yahweh.


I. The Sacred Scriptures II. History III. Language IV. The Ministry Practical Prep. for Service
1.1 Bible 1 (Torah)* 2.1 Old Testament History* 3.1 Hebrew 1* 4.1A Systematic Bible Study*
1.2 Bible 2 (Former Prophets)* 2.2 New Testament Assembly History* 3.2 Hebrew 2* 4.1B Systematic Bible Study*
1.2A Bible 2A (Wisdom Literature)* 2.3 History & Doctrines 3.3 English* 4.2 Conducting Public Worship*
1.3 Bible 3 (Major Prophets)* 2.4 Books & Parchments* 3.4 Hebrew Extensive Reading & Exegesis 4.3 Homiletics*
1.4 Bible 4 (Minor Prophets)* 2.5 Historical Geo. of the Holy Land* 3.5 Basic Greek* 4.4 Comparison of Denominations*
1.5 Bible 5 (The Evangels) * 2.6 Archaeology and the Bible Lands* 4.5 Pastoral Counseling *
1.5A Acts* 4.6 The Work of the Ministry*
1.6 Bible 6 (The Epistles)* 4.7 Handling Bible Criticism*
1.7 Bible 7 Eschatology (Daniel and Revelations)* 4.8 The Pastors Wife
4.9 Authoring Effective Expository Mat.
4.10 Music in Sacred Worship*
4.11 The Library*

Tuition Cost

The only charge is a $25.00 (originally it was $10.00) registration fee for each course, which is assigned to help pay the fundamental expenses such as electricity, photocopying material, transparencies used by the instructor, and other teaching aids. Obadiah School of the Bible is not a profit-making institution. The registration fee never completely covers the entire cost. Each student, however, must buy their own textbooks. Some of the students, especially foreign students, are allowed to volunteer some labor for the Assemblies of Yahweh organization in lieu of any charges, and they receive a free loan of textbooks.


Enrollment for Obadiah School of the Bible is for members in good standing who can commute to Bethel. For more information, please feel free to contact the headquarters.