What is a Captcha?We recently installed the “Captcha Plugin”
to help to prevent spam, in addition to increasing security. Please take your time when going through the authentication process by selecting all of the relevant images to ensure that the site does not lock up on you.
I’m having trouble logging in. What can I do?On of the easiest solutions to most log in trouble is clearing your browser’s cache and cookies.
For Chrome browser:
– On your computer, open Chrome.
– At the top right, click More or three vertical dots.
– Click More tools and then Clear browsing data.
– At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select All time.
– Check the box next to “Cached images and files” and “Cookies and other site data”
– Click Clear data.
– Please reload your website after clearing the cache.Note: If you check all of the boxes, your saved passwords and other sign-in data will be erased.
If you are using any other browser than Chrome, please see browser specific instructions on
Why should I register with the Assemblies of Yahweh?The Assemblies of Yahweh is dedicated to spreading the Truth of Yahweh and His son Yahshua the Messiah. To further this end we offer sermons, videos and other instructional tools such as the Correspondence Course. Registration will afford your access to these spiritual tools. As you learn more and prove from your Bible that the doctrines are Truth, you can request to have your registration upgraded to Contributor which will allow you to download the sermons and join us live each time we hold services in Bethel. Note: Your information is held in the strictest confidence and will never be transferred or sold.
What browser should I use?We have designed the system to be cross-platform and should play on just about any browser available.
However, Chrome is the recommended browser to view the site and rarely will a mobile device require a plug in.
For Internet Explorer users, be sure to update your browser to view the full features of the site via
You can contact us and we will help you work through any technical difficulties, Yahweh Willing.
Where do I find sermons that are available for me to listen to?Recorded sermons and WMLK live streaming are available to listen to at WMLK Radio.
Additionally, once you have created an account on, go to the members’ page. On the right side of the page you will see a list of Audio Sermon topics. Click on the sermon topic that you are interested in and a list of available sermons will appear. Included on this page is the speaker and the date preached. Once you are accepted as a “Contributor”, a red download button will appear beside the play button allowing you to download the sermons and listen to them on an mp3 player or computer when you are offline.
I registered with but want to receive the Live Stream. What do I do?As you learn more and prove from your Bible that the doctrines are Truth, you can request to have your registration upgraded to Contributor which will allow you to download the sermons and join us live each time we hold services in Bethel. Just email or call in your request to the headquarters and we will either upgrade your registration and email you or email you with suggestions that can be done to prepare you so that you can join the Live Streaming system. This system has been reserved for baptized members of the Assemblies of Yahweh and those that are using the material we offer to grow spiritually.
How do I update my registration profile information?Once you log in, you will notice a toolbar at the top of your page that says “Howdy, (Your Name). Mouse-over your name and choose, Edit Profile. You can edit any information on your page except for your Username.
How do I recover a lost password?Click Log In. Near the bottom you will notice the link for Lost Your Password, click that and input your username or email address. Your new password will be emailed to you. Once you are back in your profile you can change your password to whatever you wish.
Live Video Stream
How will I know when you are streaming live?The stream-schedule above and beyond the regular weekly Sabbath service will be published in the bulletin under the heading, Looking Ahead.
I have been accepted into the Live Streaming System, now what?Once you receive confirmation that you have been accepted to join us each week live the steps are very simple. Log in to the website as usual. Near the top on the right side of the member’s page you will see the link: Live Service Stream. That will jump you to the Live Stream page which includes the schedule for the day, a downloadable Announcement sheet, an audio player (for low bandwidth), a video player (For high bandwidth) and a chat box (To extend your Sabbath greeting and receive notifications of technical issues). We start at 9:45 AM ET each Sabbath and run through the service. A recast of the audio portion of the service begins at 1:30 PM and runs through the rest of the Sabbath. The video portion of the service becomes available for playback at your leisure.
Is there a way to make the video player bigger?There is a small box on the right side of your player controls. When you click it your player will go full-screen. You can return to the micro-player by hitting the ESC key.
It is after 10 AM and I am still watching people arrive at the TabernacleYour player has the capability of pausing and rewinding the Live Stream. At the bottom of your player you will see a progress bar. Slide it all the way to the right to catch up to the live video.
My Internet just went down and I don’t want to miss services! Now what?We also offer a phone hook-up each Sabbath. You can email [email protected] and request the information which will allow you to call in to the Steam.
What browser should I use?We have designed the system to be cross-platform and should play on just about any browser available.
However, Chrome is the recommended browser to view the site and rarely will a mobile device require a plug in.
For Internet Explorer users, be sure to update your browser to view the full features of the site via
You can contact us and we will help you work through any technical difficulties, Yahweh Willing.
What is Internet Streaming?The concept of Internet streaming is to offer information on our servers to be seamlessly delivered to electronic device, whether that is a computer, tablet or phone. We make sermons and inspirational programming available for you to enjoy whenever you are ready to receive them. We also simulcast WMLK, our own shortwave station from Bethel. You can also request to join us each Sabbath and Holy Day via the Live Internet Streaming system. This is offered in both a video /audio or audio-only format.
Live Audio Stream
How will I know when you are streaming live?The stream-schedule above and beyond the regular weekly Sabbath service will be published in the bulletin under the heading, Looking Ahead.
I have been accepted into the Live Streaming System, now what?Once you receive confirmation that you have been accepted to join us each week live the steps are very simple. Log in to the website as usual. Near the top on the right side of the member’s page you will see the link: Live Service Stream. That will jump you to the Live Stream page which includes the schedule for the day, a downloadable Announcement sheet, an audio player (for low bandwidth), a video player (For high bandwidth) and a chat box (To extend your Sabbath greeting and receive notifications of technical issues). We start at 9:45 AM ET each Sabbath and run through the service. A recast of the audio portion of the service begins at 1:30 PM and runs through the rest of the Sabbath. The video portion of the service becomes available for playback at your leisure.
My Internet just went down and I don’t want to miss services! Now what?We also offer a phone hook-up each Sabbath. You can email [email protected] and request the information which will allow you to call in to the Steam.
What browser should I use?We have designed the system to be cross-platform and should play on just about any browser available.
However, Chrome is the recommended browser to view the site and rarely will a mobile device require a plug in.
For Internet Explorer users, be sure to update your browser to view the full features of the site via
You can contact us and we will help you work through any technical difficulties, Yahweh Willing.
Why can’t I see the Narrow Way link?The Narrow Way magazine is reserved for co-workers (Baptized members) of the Assemblies of Yahweh. Once your registration is upgraded and you can receive the Live Stream, the Narrow Way link will be available next to the Live Service Stream link.
Proverbs 23:23 says “Buy the Truth and sell it not”, why do you charge for your books?We offer all the doctrinal information that will help you make your “calling and election sure”, free of charge. This is provided to you by the faithful giving of co-workers around the world who are dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission, Matthew 28:16-20. Books however have a greater cost for us to produce as they are more durable and can be passed from generation to generation. The prices set by the ministry will never exceed the basic cost of publication and processing. We do have programs that offer Bibles to those who cannot afford them, contact us for more information. Our goal is not to be a profitable book-seller but to aid the sincere seeker after Truth in their daily walk. Note: Make sure to look for your personalized discount coupons.