All Assemblies of Yahweh literature is now available in electronic format. Please use this list of articles to view or download a pdf version of any article that interests you.
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Literature List
Document that details all the publications, books, study tools, and Sacred Name Bible that the Assemblies of Yahweh provides!
ViewBiblical Doctrines
Statement of Doctrine
A 24-point outline condensing the major doctrinal points being proclaimed by the Assemblies of Yahweh.
ViewThe Kingdom of Yahweh
A topic misunderstood by many people-what does the Bible promise as a reward after death?
ViewBaptism—Burial into Life
"One faith, one baptism" (Ephesians 4:5), but numerous variations are found throughout ch-rchianity! An examination of immersion, its meaning, and how it is done.
ViewGive Willingly to Obey Yahweh’s Commandments
The biblical commandment to give has been greatly neglected. Have you studied this subject and fulfilled your obligation to Yahweh?
Should we fast now that Yahshua has ascended? Does the Bible legislate any fasts? This article examines the major points relating to this interesting topic.
The Bible speaks out concerning the respective roles of men and women who wish to obey our Heavenly Father and be born into His eternal family.
ViewWine or Grape Juice?
A thorough study of the words used for the symbol of blood and an answer to the question of the true cup.
ViewHave Swine Changed?
Physicians regularly forbid pork products to their patients. It's no accident or coincidence that thousands of years ago Almighty Yahweh declared certain foods, including swine's flesh, unclean for human consumption.
ViewWhy Are We Called Assemblies of Yahweh?
In seeking to offer Yahweh the pure worship that He desires, we find that we cannot compromise this most vital doctrine.
ViewTrinity, Duality, or Oneness?
An enlightening scriptural study of the much misunderstood relationship that exists between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
ViewYahweh’s Spokesman
This thorough 16-page booklet proves not only that the Messiah came and fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament, but that He preexisted, and what His position was in that preexistence.
ViewChr-stian Doctrines
Defending Textual Authenticity
Assault on the veracity of the inspired biblical texts has led to a plethora of false doctrine and cult type groups.
This study traces such practices to their source -the Graf-Wellhausen Hypothesis - and lays it to rest forever.
Book Review – The Evangel of John
Thought-provoking inquiry into the writings of the "beloved disciple."
ViewExploding the Inspired Greek New Testament Myth!
A 20-page look at a belief often taken for granted (but can it be PROVEN?), that the New Testament was inspired in the Greek language?
ViewModern Pentecostalism
The "charismatic movement" is gaining in worldwide acceptance. This study focuses on the real meaning of "tongues" in the Bible.
View“Rapture” or Protection?
Many believe the "rapture" is 100% scriptural. Is it? Your knowledge of biblical salvation is incomplete without the answer!
ViewThe “Born Again” doctrine
Most people professing a belief in the Bible claim that they have been "born again." Have they? What does the Messiah say about it, and what do the Apostles teach? You need to know!
ViewThe Death of the Messiah
There is an amazing background to the contemporary Chr-stian reverence of the cross. You need to learn the truth about the non-biblical traditions!
ViewHolidays Calendar Holy Days
Yahweh’s Sacred Appointments
The annual holy days consecrated by Yahweh in Leviticus 23 are binding TODAY. This article shows you why.
ViewThe Feast of Weeks
The correct day for this annual Sabbath is fully explained at last, with additional facts about the correct date for Pentecost, including a helpful chart.
ViewThe Fourth Commandment Enigma – Which Day to Keep?
The weekly day of rest and worship is carefully scrutinized in this 14-page article. An extremely important article!
ViewYahweh’s Calendar in the Heavens
New moons and a visible calendar-the scriptural method of setting correct dates for Yahweh's holy days.
ViewThe Case against Chr-stmas
Xmas! Pageantry, profit, paganism! Few today know about the shocking heathen customs enshrined in this modern celebration.
ViewEaster or Passover?
Which spring festival has Yahweh approved? Which was ordained by His commandment? The collection of traditions bearing the name of Ishtar should be examined by all who love Truth! It's astounding!
ViewHow to Keep Yahweh’s Holy Days
This article shows each one of us how to observe the seven annual feast days of Yahweh. Included are explanations about the seventh-day Sabbath, the Passover Memorial, the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the spring, to the Feast of Tabernacles, and the Last Great Day in the fall.
ViewKeys to Knowledge Series
The Sign of Yahshua’s Messiahship
This publication explores the undeniable evidence that Yahshua is the prophesied Messiah. Delving into scriptural signs, prophecies, and historical events, it affirms Yahshua's identity and mission.
ViewPocket Statement of Doctrine
The "Statement of Doctrine" explaining the doctrinal beliefs of Assemblies of Yahweh is published in pocket tract form for easy reference.
ViewYahweh – His Eternal Memorial Unveiled
Startling facts from prominent research works and quotes from the Bible itself prove that the Names of Yahweh and Yahshua are imperative for salvation.
ViewWhy I Keep the Seventh-Day Sabbath
If you are contemplating the decision of which weekly holy day to memorialize, these reasons may be helpful to you in finalizing your decision.
ViewChr-stmas as the Bible Teaches It
The booklet briefly explains the pagan origins of the chr-stmas traditions and cites the scriptural prohibitions against their observance.
ViewThe Pathway to Salvation
This booklet gives guidance to those who are seeking answers to life's questions in the Word.
ViewIntroducing the Assemblies of Yahweh
This tract briefly gives the history, purposes, and goals of the Assemblies of Yahweh for those who ask, "Who are the Assemblies of Yahweh?"
ViewPocket Calendar
To familiarize others with Yahweh's calendar, and remind you of the dates for the new moons and the feasts, this calendar is published in a convenient size to fit into your wallet.
ViewLazarus and the Rich Man
What is Yahshua's message in this story? You can find out by reading this article.
ViewThe Birth of the Messiah
This publication PROVES that the birth of the Messiah could NOT have been December 25th.
ViewSacred Name
Proving the Sacred Name from Your Bible
Twenty-four ways you can prove Yahweh's Name is true and is necessary for salvation in these last days.
ViewWhat is the Messiah’s Name?
Important information about our Redeemer's Name and its vital importance to all believers.
ViewThe Exclusive Source of Truth
Pilate asked, "What is Truth?" Knowing the Sacred Name is a pivotal basis for understanding the world's best seller.
At last! A definitive answer to all those who claim that Yahveh, Yahvah, Jehovah, etc., should be used as the Sacred Name.
ViewVaried Topics
Introduction to the Sacred Scriptures
This publication introduces The Sacred Scriptures, Bethel Edition, a meticulously accurate and modernized translation of the Bible that restores the Sacred Name, Yahweh, and proper titles to the text. It aims to provide a deeper understanding of the biblical word while preserving the majesty and reverence due to the Holy Scriptures.
ViewUsury – America’s National Curse
Scriptural illumination concerning financial crisis: the Bible shows us how to avoid economic ruin.
ViewColossians 2:16
This verse is frequently quoted to prove that the New Testament Assembly need not keep Yahweh's dietary laws, nor His legislated holy days. This explanation will help clarify what Paul really meant.
ViewIs This the Beast?
Sound scriptural teaching about this controversial topic. Every student of Bible prophecy needs this one!
ViewMy Visit to Euromart Headquarters
A companion article to V-6. This one provides a personal viewpoint of Europe's economic pillar and some thought-provoking commentary from the sacred Scriptures.
ViewIsrael Through the Ages
Everyone with a love for the Bible, its message, and prophecy should have a copy of this article. The subject of Israel—ancient and modern, spiritual and physical—is of concern to us all.
ViewFrench and Spanish Literature
If your native language is French or Spanish, or if you have friends and acquaintances who speak these languages, click here to contact us to request a free list of articles that we offer.